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Showing posts from June, 2009

Human Cost

Sitting at work this evening, I find myself wondering about the human cost of working long hours.   We're approaching a deadline for a client project, and I can understand the need to put in the extra hours, but being hump day today, I find myself wishing I was at home.   For the 2nd day, I've been denied the chance to play with my daughter.  (Everyone else is single or has grown up kids.)   In fact, other than crawling into bed beside my wife, I haven't seen or talked to her much in the past two days.   Right now, I'm sitting waiting for the testing team to 'find me something to fix'.   Could take two minutes, could take an hour.  May not even happen.   I want to go home.   And sleep.  But I still need to water the garden if it's going to survive tomorrow.   And my neighbours garden while he's on holiday.   Sigh.

News Clippings

Ottawa 5k Run Photos

Two New Torch Photos

I made it on the CBC.

Alright, this is just more of my 15 minutes of fame, I'm well aware of that, but here's an article from the CBC, Canada's National Broadcaster. They even used my quote, not one that the Media types make up, but one I actually wrote. "I'm not like one of the athletes," he said. "I don't get up at 4 o'clock in the morning to put in two hours of training before I go to work." Full Disclosure: The photo is copyright of the CBC.

2010 Olympics: RBC Press Release

RBC recognizes Scouts Canada volunteer as its first Ottawa Torchbearer OTTAWA, June 1 /CNW/ - John James, RBC's first Ottawa Torchbearer, has pledged to create a stronger community through continuing his volunteer efforts with Scouts Canada by helping young adults grow and become leaders. "I think that all athletes are amazing. It is inspiring to see how athletes push themselves to be the best they can be. The Olympic Games embodies this spirit and I'd like to thank RBC for giving me the chance to be a part of the 2010 Olympic Torch Relay," said John James. "Helping youth is critical - they need support as they go through major life changes. I am happy that being selected as a torchbearer will allow me to get this important message out to the country." James is entering his tenth year of volunteering with Scouts Canada and works with youth aged 18 to 26. As the father of a three-year-old daughter, he is committed to helping youth and working with his communi...

Olympic Torch Runner

As I have mentioned to a few individuals, I've been selected as the first Olympic Torchbearer in Ottawa for the 2010 Vancouver Olympics torch run across Canada. Still no news as to when I'll actually be doing the run through Ottawa, but I'll post it when I know. There is still time to sign up by the way: Cheers!