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Showing posts from May, 2012

Pixar talks backups and testing

This could be a PSA.   It's worth watching. Think about your personal life backup.  Your home movies, the photos of your children. Are you protected?  

Happiness is...

Ottawa: Food Aid BBQ

Food Aid BBQ The annual Food Aid BBQ is taking place at Festival Plaza, City Hall on Friday, June 1 this year. The BBQ will bring the  Ottawa Food Bank  that much closer to raising the necessary funds to sustain its beef program for a year.   For only $10, hamburgers prepared by The WORKS will be served alongside chips and a drink from 11AM to 2PM. There will be plenty to see and do at Festival Plaza, with music, a live broadcast by 580 CFRA, and celebrity milking competitions at 10:30 am and 12:30 pm. As well, the Ottawa Food Bank’s Capital Beef Cookbook will be on sale for only $15 along with specialty BBQ aprons to get you ready for Father’s Day and the BBQ season.   Food Aid is a program that provides nutritious protein to those who normally would not be able to afford it. All Food Aid fundraising efforts go towards purchasing and processing beef from local producers. Food Aid is an initiative which boosts the local market for cattle; since the program’s inception in 2005,...

Looking for Help: Error in PNAB Updater constructor: Personal NAB is not open

I'm reaching out to the Lotus community as Google didn't even have this error indexed. The error occurs on launching the Lotus Notes 8.5.2 client (no designer or admin), and pops up with the error "Error in PNAB Updater constructor: Personal NAB is not open". Anyone?  Please?

PSA: Don't text and drive

Visualization: InMaps from LinkedIn Labs

I came across this the other day on our corporate social network and thought I would share it here. It creates an interesting visual of your LinkedIn network.

Cancer: Let's Beat This!

I've been touched by cancer many times in my life.  Through friends, family, and this year, it hit close to home, with my wife. I'm participating in this year's Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life so that hopefully, someday, my children will never have to go through what I've gone through.   As for my wife, she's doing pretty well.  The surgery went successfully, they removed her thyroid and she's started what will be a lifetime regime of taking a replacement thyroid hormone.   As for what's next, now we wait for the rest of the treatment plan. And celebrate life.