My initial trials with OVF to convert my existing virtual systems didn't go well. Namely it didn't like my CDRom drive.
So, I opted to create a new one.
Login into VMX interface. Check.
Create new virtual machine. Windows XP. Check.
Place install CD in local drive. Check.
Boot up virtual machine. Check.
Connect CD drive. Check.
Watch Windows XP being it's install. Check.
No hard drive found. Huh? But I created one. I know I did. Hmm... Review logs. Find where it says that Windows XP doesn't support the BusLogic SCSI driver. Okay.
Delete Windows XP virtual machine. Check.
Create Windows XP virtual machine. Check.
Select LSI Logic SCSI driver. Check.
Place install CD in local drive. Check.
Boot up virtual machine. Check.
Connect CD drive. Check.
Watch Windows XP being it's install. Check.
No hard drive found. Huh? Oh well. Guess I'll go off and research this one now... Or maybe just make the jump to Linux. Ubuntu here I come...
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