I've been exploring a date issue that landed on my desk earlier in the week. That's one of the joys of being an Administrator that has a handle on how to develop web applications in Lotus Domino. I'll set the scene. The client has a dual language system. English and French. They can choose in the application whether a particular user sees the English or French interface. Some users use an English browser, some use a French browser. It's their choice. The client has a preferred date format. In the English interface, it is MMM-DD-YYYY. The MMM could be 'Jan' for January, 'Feb' for February or 'Mar' for March. In the French interface, it is basically the same, but uses French language abbreviations. 'janv.' for January, 'fev.' for February, 'mars' for March. There are 4 different usage scenarios. English interface, English browser English interface, French browser French interface, French browser French interface, En