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Showing posts from May, 2011

Computer Security Policy: Part 1 - Hierarchy of Management Direction

When writing computer security policy, or any policy for that matter, it is important to remember that there is a hierarchy when it comes to the types of documents that make up policy. Laws & Regulations Policy Standards/Directives Procedure Guideline Laws & Regulations These are the compulsory rules, with sanctions, declared by the government for all citizens. Here in Canada, the laws are passed by elected members of parliament.  In the United States, laws are passed by elected members of Congress, and then ratified by the Senate.  The president signs the law into being. Policy A policy is "a high level statement of enterprise beliefs, goals, and objectives and the general means of attainment" (Peltier).   Another way to look at it is that "policy is the articulation of the intentions of management".  (Fites/Kratz) It's a course of action or a principle taken by a group of individuals used to govern themselves. Standards Standards could be def...

Domino databases can disappear when UNIX/LINUX server is shutdown

Abstract In certain cases on a Domino 8.5.2 FP1 server, the contents of the Domino data directory can be deleted during shutdown on UNIX and Linux platforms. This does not happen frequently or on all Domino servers. However, if this does happen, a backup restore of the data will be necessary. This IBM Alert addresses an issue with the ~notetmp.reg file on UNIX or LINUX servers running Domino 8.5.2 FP1. This is what happens: The problem occurs if   ~notetmp.reg   points to the Domino data directory as the temp directory and also contains an empty string filename. In that case, Domino sees everything in the data directory as temporary and all files will be deleted at server shutdown.   More information can be found on the IBM support site .   Reference is SPR# DWON8FVMYS. Thanks to Gunawan T. Wicaksono for pointing this Alert out.

Admin Notes: Fixes for File Viewer Vulverabilities in Lotus Notes

Just a quick note to make sure this gets out there. I'm taking on more 'security' type duties at work.   This is something that falls under both my hats. IBM Support has released a Flash Alert regarding some vulnerabilities discovered in Lotus Notes. More information can be found on the IBM Support site. I do like the fact that they have provided work around information all the way back to Lotus Notes 5.x.

Cross Country Lotus User Group - May 12th, 2011

PLEASE NOTE THE UPDATES TO THE AGENDA IN  BLUE Date:   Thursday,    May 12th, 2011 Time:      1:00pm to 5:00pm –  Eastern Daylight Time  -  Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto             11:00am to 3:00pm –  Mountain Daylight Time - Calgary             10:00am  to 2:00pm – Pacific Daylight Time  - Vancouver Locations Montreal 1360 RenĂ© Levesque Blvd West , 13 th  floor, Conference Room Local Host: Angela Caruso, Ottawa 340 Albert St , Room 100 Local Host: Connie Triassi, Toronto 120 Bloor Street East   Suite 104 Local Host: Rosie Seth, Calgary 227 - 11th Avenue SW,  2nd floor, Room 2-045 Local Host:  Don Gillis, Vancouver 4611 Canada Way , Burnaby, BC , Queen Charlotte Room Local Host: Jayne Johnson,...

Sharing: OSF DataLossDB

I just wanted to share a site that I refer to frequently, the DataLossDB from the Open Security Foundation. They track both Incidents and Fringe Incidents relating to the loss of data by an organization. I got thinking about it today because I just submitted my first report to them, not for myself, but for a news article that I spotted online .