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Domino databases can disappear when UNIX/LINUX server is shutdown


In certain cases on a Domino 8.5.2 FP1 server, the contents of the Domino data directory can be deleted during shutdown on UNIX and Linux platforms. This does not happen frequently or on all Domino servers. However, if this does happen, a backup restore of the data will be necessary.
This IBM Alert addresses an issue with the ~notetmp.reg file on UNIX or LINUX servers running Domino 8.5.2 FP1.

This is what happens:
The problem occurs if ~notetmp.reg points to the Domino data directory as the temp directory and also contains an empty string filename. In that case, Domino sees everything in the data directory as temporary and all files will be deleted at server shutdown. 
More information can be found on the IBM support site.   Reference is SPR# DWON8FVMYS.

Thanks to Gunawan T. Wicaksono for pointing this Alert out.


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