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Showing posts from October, 2006

Luck, what luck...

So, my daughter has been sick. So sick that Monday morning she re-introduced us to her breakfast. Unfortunately, she re-introduced it to us all over my laptop. But, on a good note, after being dried out for 3 days, the laptop is back to life. Gotta love it... The only bad part is that my space bar sticks a bit.

NDRC and Focus

Although my daughter is sick, I think she'll sleep just about anywhere. So, we're heading to the NDRC meeting tonight to see if I can find some trainers for the FOCUS course I've been asked to lead.

A fridge for every occasion...

So, with a no-freezer fridge, there isn't much choice it seems. Rules: must be a no-freezer fridge must be at least 16 cf must be white Make Size Good Features Bad Features Power Usage Location/Price Danby DW1866 18 cf Energy Star rated 2L or Gallon door compartment 2 solid crispers 1 solid meat keeper adjustable wire shelves door compartments not adjustable unknown The Brick - $699.97 Danby DFF1776WE 17.7 cf 2 clear crispers 1 clear meat keeper Energy Star rated adjustable glass shelves 2L or Gallon door compartment 18 months door compartments not adjustable 372 kwh Danby DFF1708W 16.8 cf 2 clear crispers 1 clear meat keeper Energy Star rated 18 months door compartments not adjustable unknown shelf material 372 kwh Frigidaire FRU17B2JW 16.7 cf wire shelves no crispers no meat keeper door compartments not adjustable unknown Futureshop - $649.99 The Brick - $729.97 Frigidaire FRU17G4JW 16.7 cf glass shelves wire baskets door compartments not adjustable no crispers no meat keeper unk...

Shopping for Appliances

So, we're in the market for some new applicances. Specifically, a fridge, stove, washer and dryer. I want a front-loading washer and dryer that stack, simply so that I can maximize the usage of space in our laundry room, and put the small freezer in there. I'm not sure if they make stacking gas dryers, but I know that gas dryers are much more efficient, and so are front-loading washers. We're also in need of a new fridge and stove. Because we can go with the freezer in the laundry room, we should be able to do with just a fridge. Not one with a freezer on top. As for the stove, I want a gas stove, but my wife has this thing for Ceran tops. Which, I must admit, I do like, but not as much as gas. So, let's make the internet work for us. We'll start with the Ottawa options for fridges, then stoves, and finally, washers and dryers.

A stranger approaches...

So, wandering through the Disney Store at Bayshore last night with Sophia and my daughter, I was approached by a lady who told me I looked very professional, or something like that. She proceeded to ask me about where I worked, and how long I had worked there, as well as what I did for a living. I thought that this was a strange event, very random. She said she was a manager for her company and she was looking for some new employees. (Strange way to get them.) She left me her number and asked me mine. i asked her what her company did, and she replyed 'Asset Management'. So, here's how you recruit people. First you compliment them, to get them off guard. Then you get some background on them, and then you try and 'hire' them, knowing that they will probably be too polite to tell you off. So, I'm now expecting a call, and I wouldn't be surprised if asset management turns out to be something like selling insurance, RRSPs, etc. Guess we wait and see...

Background Information

So, for those who don't know, Susie and I recently moved from Petawawa to Ottawa . I work for a company named Bioniq as a web developer. She works for the Department of Defence for the Government of Canada . While in Petawawa I spent my days doing Contractor and Government sales for a building supply company called CA Reiche & Sons . I spent my evenings working for Bioniq . We've moved into a 4+1 bedroom house in Barrhaven. We have a large backyard for the city, complete with a pear tree, apple tree, crabapple tree and 2 cherry trees. Not to mention concord grape vines coming over the fence and blackberries in the corner. We have a large vegetable garden in the yard as well that we will be developing next year. As for where we are going, no one quite knows. We just did have a daughter. You can see pictures of her and the house here .

Flak about Photos

So, I've gotten some complaints about the fact that on Friday the photos that used to live here went missing. So now they are back. You can find the link to them on the right hand side of this page. I've even been nice to you and put some new photos from this weekend up. Cheers!