All I want for Christmas is… I want to setup my new Domino 8.0.2 server (Currently new in its box sitting beside my desk.) I want to setup my new SQL Reporting server. (Also sitting in its box beside my desk.) I want to find to time to setup a server so I can install Domino 8.5 when it becomes available. I want to get my new IPS installed. I want my new SNMP monitoring software to get installed. I want my new Anti-Virus install to go smoothly. I don’t want anything to happen to any of the infrastructure I am responsible for over the holiday. So what are my chances? Probably not that great… I do predict that numbers 1, 2 and 4 will be done by the end of January. And hopefully numbers 3 and 5 by the end of February. I don’t predict that I’ll get my wish on numbers 6 or 7. Cheers!